Bangkok, April 1st, 2016
We agree, traffic jam in the morning is getting worse and worse in Bangkok. Getting stuck in the middle of thousands of wheels on the road is not news anymore, as we’re exposed to this kind of city environment everyday. Bangkok air pollution is not a laughing matter here, either.
Cars, buses, motorcycles, and other vehicles give off a high amount of toxic emissions, resulting to the immensely polluted air we’re in touch with and breathing in daily. Respiratory diseases, lung damages, throat irritation, skin rash, headache, nausea, and even an increased fatigue are only some of the causes of this most of us suffer from. Fortunately, a bunch of environment-friendly policies and campaigns have been launched recently, with the hope to reduce pollution, conserve resources and protect life. foodpanda is well-prepared and ready to join hands in this effort. Introducing the foodpanda green initiative!
foodpanda has been using motorbikes to deliver your food orders for 4 years now. With an environmentally friendly effort, we’ve come up with the idea of helping, in our own little way to scale down air pollution amount in the city by using horses as our food delivery medium instead of motorcycles.
In their pleasure, the Asian Racing Association in Thailand has given us the opportunity to use their stud (group of horses) that are healthy but no longer eligible to participate in official horse races. These beautiful and massive horses will then cruise around Bangkok to deliver your food orders, together with our trained foodpanda riders. Get ready for a Bangkok horseride and get your horseshoes on!

Writing is not a one way communication. I always keep this quote in my mind whenever I start to write, and that’s the reason why I’m so much in love with the world of writing. I’m Patsaya Pongpanich, a 22 year-old recent graduate from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.